• Welcome to TranslationWay!

    We translate, edit, proofread, localise and design your texts, but also converse and sign with you. We promise that by taking TranslationWay you will reach your desired objective.

  • Welcome to TranslationWay!

    You are joined by our diligent companions, the employees of TranslationWay. We are convinced that our honest and high-quality services will result in a long-term relationship of cooperation based on trust.


As TranslationWay is about to celebrate its first birthday, we will reward ourselves and our clients with an even clearer web design. The website of TranslationWay is now accessible in addition to English also in Russian, German and Finnish. The earlier English and Estonian parts of our page have been updated. We are looking forward to new and enjoyable encounters along TranslationWay!


TranslationWay offers the translation of annual reports in the Estonian-Russian, Estonian-German, Estonian-Finnish and Estonian-English language directions at the price of 11 euros + VAT (value-added tax is added to the invoices of Estonian clients). The unit of volume for written translation is 1 standard page, i.e. 1800 characters with spaces. If you prefer the calculation of price on the basis of the word count, please ask for a personal offer through info@tolketee.ee. The price offer is based on the file sent by the client, i.e. the original file, which is subject to translation.